Greek Zucchini Appetizer

Greek zucchini appetizer – recipe with photo, Greek cuisine
Rating: 4.5 Votes: 14
Cooking Time:
1 hour
Recipe Yield:
1,2 kg
Medium recipe

Greek zucchini appetizer – Greek cuisine recipe, ready-made appetizer must be served very chilled. Cooking times vary from zucchini variety. Some varieties cook quickly, and some quickly turn into porridge when cooked. It is better not to cook the zucchini a little than to digest it, watch the cooking time.

Recipe Ingredients

Onion 1-2 pcs
Water 200 ml
Olive Oil 2 tbsp
Basil 1 twig
Lemon 1 pcs
Coriander 10 pcs

Cooking Recipe

To cook a Greek cuisine recipe – zucchini appetizer, heat the olive oil in a pan, add finely chopped onions and fry for 2 minutes over medium heat.

After the time has passed, add wine, water, a sprig of basil, coriander and lemon juice. Season everything with salt and pepper and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

Wash the zucchini, cut into strips, add to the sauce, cover and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Transfer the finished zucchini to a bowl, pour over the liquid and put in the cold. This Greek zucchini appetizer must be very well cooled before serving.