Beef Liver Stroganoff

Beef liver stroganoff - recipe with photo, Russian cuisine
Rating: 4.5 Votes: 23
Cooking Time:
1 hour
Recipe Yield:
4 servings
Medium recipe

Beef liver stroganoff is a traditional Russian dish. Lard in the recipe can be replaced with vegetable oil, and if desired, remove the skin from the tomatoes.

Recipe Ingredients

Cooking Recipe

For the beef liver stroganoff recipe, you need to clean the liver from the film and cut into small cubes. Salt the liver, pepper and fry in a frying pan heated with lard. Add half-cut onion.

When the onion is lightly fried, add finely chopped tomatoes. After the tomatoes become soft, add sour cream and bring to a boil. Sprinkle the finished beef liver stroganoff with herbs and serve. You can serve fried or boiled potatoes, boiled rice or pasta as a side dish.