Stuffed Rice Balls Onigiri

Stuffed rice balls (Onigiri) – Recipe with Photos, Japanese Cuisine
Rating: 4.6 Votes: 25
Cooking Time:
1 hour
Recipe Yield:
4 servings
Medium recipe

Stuffed rice balls (Onigiri) a Japanese cuisine recipe, onigiri means hand-shaped rice. Sesame for onigiri can be taken black or white.

Recipe Ingredients

Umeboshi 50 g
Mirin 0,5 tbsp
Sesame 3 tbsp
Nori 2 leaves
Olives 6 pcs
For Rice
Round Grain Rice 2.25 cup
Water 2.5 cup

Cooking Recipe

For the onigiri recipe, rinse the rice in cold water so that the water becomes clear, put the rice on a sieve, and then transfer it to a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour water over rice and let stand for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, cover the rice with a lid, put on fire and bring to a boil. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the rice at a low boil for 12 minutes. When you hear a slight crackle, remove the rice from the heat and let it stand under the lid for 15 minutes, and then gently stir the wet rice with a wooden spatula to dry.

Remove stones from umeboshi, slightly mash the pulp, mix with 1 tbsp. sesame seeds and mirin to a thick paste. Remove the skin from the salmon fillet, rinse off the salt and fry together with the mackerel fillet in a pan or grill. After frying, mash the fish fillet with a fork, separately, without mixing mackerel with salmon. The remaining sesame seeds must be toasted in a dry frying pan until the seeds begin to burst.

To form meatballs, you will need a bowl of cold water to wet your hands, a tea cup and a tablespoon to measure the amount of rice, a small bowl of salt. To begin with, moisten a tea cup with water, put 2 tbsp. rice, make a well in the middle of the rice with your fingers and put a quarter of the salmon in it. Put 1 tbsp on top of the salmon. rice and pack well. Now you need to moisten your hands, rub them with salt, shake rice into your palm and form a tight cylinder out of it with both hands. Cut each nori sheet into 8 pieces. Wrap the rice ball with a strip of noria and transfer to a damp wooden board. Also cook three more meatballs with salmon, after the same image, four meatballs from mackerel and four from umeboshi.

For the fourth type of meatballs, dry the olives and finely chop. Put three tablespoons of rice in a cup, add a quarter of the olives and mix. Pack the rice with your fingers, moisten your hands with water, rub with salt, sprinkle with a quarter of the toasted sesame seeds, shake the rice out of the bowl and shape into meatballs. The sesame seeds should stick to the surface of the meatball. Such onigiri do not need to be wrapped in nori. Put one meatball of each type on portioned plates; Japanese pickles can be served with them.