Puff Buns

Puff buns - recipe with photo, baking
Rating: 4.6 Votes: 17
Cooking Time:
2 hours 20 min.
Recipe Yield:
12 pcs
Medium recipe

Puff buns - a recipe for baking, buns are not made from puff, but from yeast dough, and they are unsweetened. It is bread, but shaped in a certain way. The buns look very interesting, but they are all different. You can cook two or three types of different dough, for example, add buckwheat flour or spices to one dough and lay it in layers in the same way. The main thing is fantasy and self-confidence.

Recipe Ingredients

Wheat Flour 500 g
Water 350 ml
Salt 10 g

Cooking Recipe

To cook recipe baking puff buns, sift wheat flour through a sieve, mix with salt, and then rub fresh yeast into it. Rub with your hands until crumbs, even if lumps of yeast remain - it's okay, they will easily dissolve when adding liquid.

When the yeast is combined with flour, pour in water at room temperature. For further kneading, you will need not a whisk or spatula, but a hand. Imagine that you are holding a small ball in your hand, dip your hand into the dough and mix the dough in a circular motion until a homogeneous porridge-like mass.

When kneading, you need to try to rub the dough along the walls of the container. Next, put the dough on the surface and rub it with both hands further. At first glance, it will seem that this porridge will not make a normal dough, but you will be surprised what will happen next.

When the dough is well rubbed, collect it with a spatula or scraper in a lump and scrape the dough from your hands. Next, there will be kneading the dough - sharply lower the dough to the surface, one side of the dough will stick, slightly pull the other side towards you, and then with both hands, stretching the dough, cover the side that has stuck to the surface. So knead the dough for 10-15 minutes.

Transfer the kneaded dough to a container for further proofing, cover with a towel or cling film and put in a room where there is no draft. You can put the dough in an oven preheated to 40 °C ( 105 °F). The dough should rise 2-2.5 times, it will take approximately 1-2 hours.

Put the dough that has risen well on a floured surface, knead it, and then roll it into a layer about 0.5 cm thick. Using a recess or a glass, cut circles from the dough. Lay circles 4 on top of each other, moistening each with water so that the next one sticks. Place the prepared puff buns on a baking sheet and let rise warm for 40-45 minutes, and then bake at 230-250°C (450-480°F) 10-15 minutes.