Kimbap with Mackerel

Kimbap with mackerel – recipe with photos, Korean cuisine
Rating: 4 Votes: 1
Cooking Time:
40 min.
Recipe Yield:
4 servings
Medium recipe

Kimbap with mackerel is a Korean recipe, very simple and satisfying with simple ingredients. For some reason, many people think that if it’s a roll, then expensive products are used or those that are difficult to obtain. No and no again. You can wrap anything in a roll, you don’t have to use red fish or tuna meat, these can be very simple products and this recipe is proof of that.

Recipe Ingredients

Eggs 4 pcs
Cucumbers 60 g
Lettuce 20 g
Nori 4 pcs
For rice
Water 250 ml
Rice Vinegar 3 tbsp
Powdered Sugar 7,5 tsp
Salt 2 tsp

Cooking Recipe

The recipe forkimbap with mackerelis very simple. Rinse the rice in cold water 4-5 times and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, drain the water, add new cold water to the rice and cover it with a lid over high heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 10 minutes. Separately mix rice vinegar, powdered sugar and salt. Pour the dressing into the cooked rice and stir.

While the rice is cooking, you can prepare the products. Boil the eggs, peel and cut into 4 parts. Cucumbers can be peeled, cut into strips, fish cut into strips with a side of approximately 1 cm. Wash and dry the lettuce leaves.

Place rice on a sheet of nori, not reaching the edge. Cover approximately half of the sheet with rice. Place fish, cucumber, eggs, lettuce on the edge of the rice and roll up. Cut kimbap into 8-10 pieces and serve with soy sauce.