Zucchini Pate with Brynza Cheese

Zucchini pate with brynza cheese – recipe with photo, Bulgarian cuisine
Rating: 4.4 Votes: 17
Cooking Time:
40 min.
Recipe Yield:
6 servings
Medium recipe

Zucchini pate with brynza cheese – Bulgarian cuisine recipe, delicate and delicious pate is best served on crispy toast. The most important thing in this recipe is not to overcook the zucchini, they should not turn into porridge.

Recipe Ingredients

Cooking Recipe

To cook zucchini pate with brynza cheese recipe, cut the zucchini into small cubes. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the zucchini and simmer, stirring occasionally over medium heat. Stew the zucchini for about 3-4 minutes, no longer, we do not need zucchini porridge.

Place the zucchini in a deep bowl and let cool slightly. Put sour cream, chopped nuts and garlic, finely diced brynza cheese with zucchini, salt, pepper and mix.

The pate is best served on crispy toast. Cut the bread into slices and fry in a greased skillet. Put pate on toasts, sprinkle with red pepper on top, garnish with herbs and serve.