Mushroom Borsch with "Ears"

Mushroom borsch with "ears" – recipe with photo, Ukrainian cuisine
Rating: 4.3 Votes: 25
Cooking Time:
1 hour 20 min.
Recipe Yield:
6 servings
Medium recipe

Borsch with "ears" – Ukrainian cuisine recipe, such borsch is often cooked on Christmas Eve and served immediately after kutia and uzvar. "Ears" can be fried in vegetable oil or baked in the oven. They should not be big, literally like jam or dumplings. Serving "ears" can also be done in different ways: you can put them side by side in a separate plate, or you can put them in a plate with poured borsch.

Recipe Ingredients

Cooking Recipe

To cook mushroom borscht with "ears" recipe, first you need to cook borscht. Boil the beets and grate, finely chop the onion, chop the carrots into strips, chop the cabbage. Wash dried white mushrooms well under running water, and then fill with water and set aside for swelling.

В сковороде разогреть растительное масло выложить порезанный лук и морковь и обжарить на среднем огне до золотистого цвета. К луку и моркови добавить отдельно обжаренную муку и перемешать.

In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, put the chopped onion and carrots and fry over medium heat until golden brown. Add the separately fried flour to the onions and carrots and mix.

Put the fried onions, carrots and mushrooms in strained mushroom broth. Next lay shredded cabbage, spices, and tomato paste. Cook the borsch on medium heat for 30 minutes.

5 minutes before end cooking, put the boiled and grated beets in the borsch and bring to a boil again.

During that time, while borscht is cooking to cook ears with buckwheat filling. Sort buckwheat, rinse and boil. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Mix onion with buckwheat crumbly porridge, salt and pepper.

Knead a dough from an egg, water, salt and flour, thinly roll out and cut out squares of about 8x8 cm (3x3"). In the middle of each square, put a small amount of buckwheat and connect the edges in the form of a triangle, tighten the edges of the triangle. Pull the side corners of the triangle down and connect. It should be a boat.

Transfer prepared "boats" to an oiled baking sheet, sprinkle with vegetable oil and put in an oven preheated to 180°С (355°F). Bake the ears for 10-15 minutes. Put 2-3 ears in a plate with hot borsch, add sour cream and serve mushroom borsch with "ears" to the table.