
Vorschmack – recipe with photo, Jewish cuisine
Rating: 4.8 Votes: 30
Cooking Time:
1 hour
Recipe Yield:
1 kg
Medium recipe

Vorschmack – Jewish cuisine recipe, easy and quick salted herring appetizer. If the herring is not very salty, it should not be soaked, in this situation you will even have to add some salt. It is advisable to take apples that are not too sweet, preferably with sourness.

Recipe Ingredients

Apples 1-2 pcs
Eggs 2-3 pcs
White Bread 2 slices
Onion 1-2 pcs
Vinegar 9% 2-3 tbsp
Vegetable Oil 2-3 tbsp

Cooking Recipe

In order to cookid vorschmack according to the recipe of Jewish cuisine, the herring must be soaked in water for 2-2.5 hours, changing the water twice. After soaking, peel and remove the bones from the herring. If the herring is lightly salted, it is not necessary to soak it.

Soak the pulp of white bread in water with vinegar. Chop apples and onions at random.

Перемолоть в мясорубке сельдь с белым хлебом, отваренными вкрутую яйцами, очищенным яблоком и луком. В полученную массу добавить уксус, растительное масло и хорошо перемешать.

When serving, vorschmack can be laid out in the form of a brick or released from a pastry syringe, garnished with boiled eggs and herbs.