Tarragon Syrup

Tarragon Syrup – recipe with photo, Georgian cuisine
Rating: 4.3 Votes: 21
Cooking Time:
3 hours
Recipe Yield:
300 ml
Medium recipe

Tarragon Syrup – a recipe for Georgian cuisine, a very tasty and refreshing drink is prepared from tarragon syrup - "Tarhun". The point is small - prepare tarragon syrup, and then mix it with sparkling water. Infused tarragon must be squeezed out in a press, if there is no press, you can use a sieve by putting gauze folded 4 times into it and squeeze it out. After strain and you can prepare syrup from tarragon.

Recipe Ingredients

Tarragon 100 g
Sugar 200 g
Water 200 ml

Cooking Recipe

For the Georgian cuisine recipe tarragon syrup, wash the tarragon, dry it and grind together with the stems in a mortar. It is not necessary to grind to a mushy state, you just need to knead the tarragon stalks so that they begin to let the juice out well.

Put crushed tarragon in a glass jar. Boil water, pour crushed tarragon over it, cover and put in a warm place for 10-12 hours. To maintain heat, you can use an oven heated to 50°C (120°F). After the time has elapsed, squeeze the tarragon with a press or with the help of a sieve and gauze folded 3-4 times.

Add sugar to the liquid, mix and put in a water bath. Boil the syrup without a lid for 1.5-2 hours. When the tarragon syrup thickens slightly, cool, pour into a glass dish, cover and refrigerate for storage.

To get the Tarragon drink, add tarragon syrup to taste to sparkling water, and the summer refreshing drink is ready.