Potato Soup with Milk

Potato soup with milk – recipe with photo, Jewish cuisine
Rating: 4.5 Votes: 28
Cooking Time:
1 hour
Recipe Yield:
1.5 l
Medium recipe

Potato soup with milk – a dish of Jewish cuisine, the soup is thick, rich and tasty.

Recipe Ingredients

Potatoes 500 g
Carrots 1 pcs
Onion 1 pcs
Semolina 2 tbsp
Water 600 ml
Milk 600 ml
Butter 100 g
Caraway 1 tsp

Cooking Recipe

For the potato soup with milk, melt the butter in a deep saucepan, add the chopped onion and fry lightly. After the onion is fried, add peeled and cut into small cubes potatoes, grated carrots, salt, pepper, cumin and pour water.

Mix everything well and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. When the water boils, add semolina, reduce heat to low, and cook for 20 minutes.

Then pour in the milk, pour in the chopped herbs and bring the soup to a boil, stirring constantly, otherwise the milk may curdle. Potato soup with milk is served hot, you can season it with sour cream.