Garden Mix

Garden mix – preservation recipe of vegetables for the winter
Rating: 4.4 Votes: 13
Cooking Time:
1 hour
Recipe Yield:
8 l
Medium recipe

Garden mix – vegetables preservation recipe for the winter, the vegetables used for the assortment go very well and complement each other. A little advice, do not use three-liter jars, they are more difficult to sterilize, since water for sterilization needs to be poured over the shoulders of the jar, respectively, a high pan is needed. A three-liter jar is heavy and it is not very convenient to take it out after sterilization, and it is also difficult to lower it.

Recipe Ingredients

Cucumbers 500 g
Tomatoes 1.5 kg
Cauliflower 1.2 kg
Carrots 400 g
Onion 500 g
Для рассола
Water 3 l
Salt 160 g
Sugar 100 g
Vinegar 9% 100 ml

Cooking Recipe

To cook a food preservation recipe for the winter, vegetable garden mix, select whole vegetables without defects. Wash the vegetables well and let the water drain. Wash and sterilize jars for the garden mix. Wash and sterilize the lids as well.

Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Peel and chop the onion. It is better to choose zucchini with small seeds and not large in size. Cut the washed courgettes into small segments. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences.

Put all prepared products in a jar in layers. Put the carrots and onions on the bottom, followed by the cauliflower, after the courgette and finish with the tomatoes. Prepare brine from water, salt, vinegar and sugar and pour vegetables over them.

Cover the jars filled to the top with lids and put in a saucepan for sterilization. Sterilize cans, two liter, 15-20 minutes. For vegetable garden mix this is the most optimal size of jars. It is inconvenient to work with three-liter jars during sterilization, and liter jars are too small.