Recipes with Tarragon

Tarragon – recipe ingredient

Tarragon (Latin Tarragon) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the aster family. It grows up to 1.5 meters high. Tarragon is grown in the Caucasus, in France, Germany, and grows wild in North America.

Tarragon Syrup

Tarragon Syrup – a recipe for Georgian cuisine, you can make a refreshing summer drink from syrup.

Spiced Vinegar

Spiced vinegar – dressing recipe, various seasonings and spices are added to the table vinegar 9%, and after infusion is used as a dressing.

Salted Tomatoes

Salted tomatoes – a food preservation recipe for the winter, the tastes of people are different, someone love pickled cucumbers, and someone pickles

Salted Сucumbers

Salted cucumbers (fermented cucumbers) – cucumber preservation recipe for winter, crispy pickles without vinegar, taste like barrel cucumbers, crunchy tarragon and oak leaves.

Pickled Cucumbers

Pickled cucumbers – food preservation recipe for the winter, To keep the pickles crisp, add tarragon or oak leaves.

Tarragon Eggs

Tarragon eggs – an Armenian cuisine recipe, boiled eggs wrapped with tarragon in pita bread – very fragrant and tasty, great for breakfast.

Tarragon Pie (Kartli)

Tarragon pie (Kartli) - a recipe for Georgian cuisine, drinks, syrup are cooked from tarragon, it is eaten fresh with cheese and lavash

Barley Soup with Tarragon

Barley soup with tarragon – light and hearty French soup made from pearl barley and green tarragon leaves.

Salting Zucchini

Salting Zucchini – a recipe for Moldovan cuisine, zucchini should be salted later than cucumbers, and consumed earlier.