Recipes with Currant Leaves

Currant leaves – recipe ingredient

Currant leaves include a large number of vitamins, mineral salts, tannins and many other useful substances. Currant leaves have long been used in folk medicine. In cooking, currant leaves are usually used in recipes for preservation and harvesting for the winter, with salting and pickling vegetables.

Canned Zucchini

Canned zucchini – a food preservation recipe for the winter, for canning zucchini you will need dill, hot peppers, garlic, salt and vinegar.

Salted Сucumbers

Salted cucumbers (fermented cucumbers) – cucumber preservation recipe for winter, crispy pickles without vinegar, taste like barrel cucumbers, crunchy tarragon and oak leaves.

Pickled Cucumbers

Pickled cucumbers – food preservation recipe for the winter, To keep the pickles crisp, add tarragon or oak leaves.

Brined Apples

Brined apples – recipe for Ukrainian cuisine, sweet and sour apples are well suited for brined.